Oct 22, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


All academic policies listed herein are based on applicable South Dakota Board of Regents policies (referenced as SD BOR Policy), Academic Affairs Council Guidelines (referenced as AAC Guidelines), or South Dakota Mines policies and procedures. This is not a comprehensive list of all policies. As such, readers should review the referenced policy and/or guidelines for more specific information when applicable. 

Academic Amnesty

(BOR 2.8.1)


The goal of academic amnesty is to respond to the academic needs of individuals as they develop newly identified potential. Through the application of academic amnesty, the student’s prior academic record can be excluded from current work under certain conditions. To be eligible for Academic Amnesty, the student must:
  1. Be an undergraduate, full-time or part-time, degree-seeking student at one of the universities in the South Dakota Regental system;
  2. Not have been enrolled in any postsecondary institution for a minimum of three consecutive terms (including only Fall and/or Spring terms) prior to the most recent admission to the home institution. Exceptions may be granted in rare cases only by the Board of Regents Vice President for Academic Affairs upon recommendation by the Chief Academic Affairs Officer;
  3. Have completed a minimum of twelve (12) graded credit hours taken at any Regental university with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for the twelve (12) credit hours after the most recent admission to the home institution;
  4. Not have earned a baccalaureate degree from any university;
  5. Not have been granted any prior academic amnesty at any Regental university;
  6. Submit a formal Academic Amnesty Petition to his/her home university following the procedures established by that university.


  1. Academic amnesty does not apply to individual courses.
  2. Academic amnesty may be requested for:
    • All previous postsecondary education courses, or
    • All previous postsecondary education courses at a specific postsecondary institution, or
    • A specified time period not to exceed one academic year (Fall/Spring) completed at any postsecondary institution(s).
  3. Academic amnesty, if granted, shall not be rescinded.
  4. Courses for which academic amnesty is granted will:
    • Remain on the student’s permanent record;
    • Be recorded on the student’s undergraduate transcript with the original grade followed by an asterisk (*);
    • Not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average because no credit is given;
    • Not be used to satisfy any of the graduation requirements of the current degree program.

Academic amnesty decisions will be made by the student’s home institution, will be honored by all undergraduate programs within the home institution, and will be honored by all undergraduate programs at other institutions within the South Dakota Regental system. Universities outside of the South Dakota Regental system are not bound by the academic amnesty decisions made by the South Dakota Regental system. Regental graduate programs and graduate professional schools may consider all previous undergraduate course work when making admission decisions.

The form to appeal for academic amnesty can be found at the following URL: www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/forms/

Academic Appeals

(SDSMT II:9:3; BOR 2.9.1)

The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology has established a university Academic Appeals Committee to review requests for exceptions to academic policies including, but not limited to, the three-attempt limit on courses, academic suspension, and the change of a grade from “F” to “WD”. Students wishing to appeal must complete the Application for Academic Appeal form that is available here: www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/forms/.

Academic Calendar

(BOR 2.1.1)

Institutions of higher education, under control of the South Dakota Board of Regents, shall operate on a common academic calendar with common periods during the summer term and the fall and spring semesters at each institution when classes are not in session. Academic calendars shall be designed a minimum of two years in advance with annual extensions recommended to the Executive Director by the Council of Presidents and Superintendents no later than the May meeting.   

Academic Freedom Student Rights

(BOR 1.6.2; BOR 2.9.1)

The School of Mines and the South Dakota Board of Regents have a longstanding commitment to protecting those freedoms of inquiry and learning that are essential to the expansion of knowledge and the correction of error. This includes protections for student freedom in learning. In its relevant parts, Board of Regents policy, which applies to the School of Mines and to all other public universities, provides the following:

  1. To secure student freedom in learning, faculty members in the classroom and in seminar should encourage free and orderly discussion, inquiry and expression of the course subject matter. Student performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards.
  2. Students must be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled.
  3. Student appeals alleging an academic evaluation was tainted by prejudiced or capricious consideration of student opinions or conduct unrelated to academic standards shall be addressed under Board Policy 2:9. Additionally, each institution shall establish a method by which students can submit complaints regarding allegations of any instruction conducted in a manner which is inconsistent with this policy. These procedures shall prohibit retaliation against persons who initiate appeals or complaints, or who participate in the review of appeals or complaints.
  4. Students are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established for each course in which they are enrolled.

Academic Terms Defined

(BOR 2.1.1)

The School of Mines operates a fall, spring, and summer term. Fall and spring shall operate on a semester basis. Summer term begins the day after spring semester ends and continues until the day before fall semester begins.

A semester shall consist of a minimum of 15 weeks. The number of class days in a given semester shall be inclusive of those days set aside for registration, assessment/performance testing and final examinations but exclusive of holidays and days set aside for new student orientation. New student orientation may be concurrent with or prior to registration.

Academic guidelines require that all courses offered for credit must involve a minimum of 15 contact hours over 3 instructional days for each credit hour awarded.

Courses offered by distance education should have equivalent standards, rigor, student outcomes, substance, and assignments as courses offered by face-to-face means. Distance education courses may be scheduled on a semester basis and require that students complete learning experiences on a particular timeline (i.e. each week). The required length for a distance education course is determined by course expectations and scheduling. The student will conclude the course upon completion of course requirements. Typically, a one credit hour course lasting for a semester equates to 45 hours of effort by the student.

ACCUPLACER - Placement Testing

(AAC, B)

A mandatory placement procedure for mathematics and English is used at all Regental Universities in the state. The instruments and criteria used for other mandatory placement are at the discretion of each institution.

The ACT is the required initial test used to place students who attend a South Dakota regental university into their mathematics and English courses. A student can be placed in classes via the ACT sub-scores for math and English, or, for more accurate placement, using the College Board Accuplacer test, which is administered at South Dakota universities such as the School of Mines or online via remote proctor. The Accuplacer test is administered on a computer and takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes for each section (math, writing, and reading). Students who need to take the Accuplacer test should sign up for and attend an Accuplacer Day by going to the New Student Checklist from the Mines homepage or contact the Testing Center at 605-394-2428.

Students will need to take all or part of the Accuplacer test if:

  1. They have not taken the ACT within five years from date of enrollment and have not taken and passed any college level English or math courses.
  2. They have a Math Index Score below 1150.
  3. They have a Math Index Score of 1150 or higher and are seeking higher math placement than College Algebra.
  4. They have a Math Index Score of an 1150 or higher and want to challenge their course placement. Students are permitted to take Accuplacer twice and have the option of taking the higher of the two scores. Be advised that a deficiency warrants serious contemplation and students should consider the class that best reflects the requirements of math success. At School of Mines, advanced math, especially calculus, is a mainstay in the curriculum, regardless of major.
  5. They scored 17 or less on their ACT English.

Accuplacer results are designed to assist the institution in placing students into appropriate math and English courses or, if necessary, into developmental or preparatory courses. We caution students that successful completion of a high school course (e.g., trigonometry) does not guarantee that this course has been mastered at the college level. Placement is confirmed by passing the appropriate Accuplacer test area. See section on Math Index Score and math placement below.

Math Index Score

Alcohol and Drug Policy

(BOR 3.4.1)

South Dakota Mines adheres to the SDBOR Alcohol and Drug Policy found in the SD BOR Alcohol and Drug Policy which states the following is prohibited. The Community Standards Office is responsible for enforcement of the SD BOR Code of Conduct, including the Alcohol and Drug Policy. Residential students should consult the Residence Life Handbook for further information on alcohol and drugs in the residence halls.

Anti-Harassment Policy

(BOR 1.4.1; BOR 1.4.3)

It is the policy of South Dakota Mines that harassment not be tolerated. It distracts the harasser, the victim, and others from the tasks of the workplace and academic environment; it undermines morale and the psychological well-being of the victim; and it leads to expensive litigation and to possible liability. The university has no tolerance for harassment, whether it occurs on or off campus, during or after normal business hours, at work-related social functions, or during business-related travel. Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or dismissal. More information can be found at the following URL: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Campus-Services/Human-Resources/Title-IX/Policies—Procedures/

Attendance Policy

Every student is expected to attend each lecture or laboratory session for which he or she is scheduled. The faculty has allowed no system of authorized “cuts.” A student who fails to attend classes regularly must satisfy such requirements as the instructor in a course may prescribe.

Campus Clearing Policy

All graduating students are responsible for return of all college property, library books, keys, etc., and payment of all financial obligations to the college before their diplomas will be released.

Catalog of Graduation for Undergraduate Students

(BOR 2.6.2)

  • The catalog of graduation begins with the summer term and ends with the subsequent spring term. 
  • Every student is required to have a catalog of graduation.  New and transfer students are assigned the catalog in effect at the time of their initial enrollment at the university from which they are seeking a degree.  Students may elect a catalog of graduation that is later than their initial catalog but may not elect a catalog of graduation that is earlier than their initial catalog.
  • In order to receive a degree, a student must meet the program requirements listed in their catalog of graduation.
  • Students who discontinue enrollment at any Regental university for more than two consecutive semesters are assigned the catalog in effect at the time of their re-enrollment as their catalog of graduation.
  • Students are considered to be in continuous enrollment for purposes of the catalog of graduation so long as any break in enrollment at any Regental university is for two or fewer consecutive semesters (excluding summer) and students maintain their degree seeking status at the same Regental university.
  • Students who change their degree seeking status from one Regental university to another Regental university are assigned the catalog of graduation that corresponds to the term they are admitted to their new degree granting university.
  • Students who are not currently enrolled and who petition to graduate based on coursework previously completed at a Regental university are assigned the catalog in effect during the term they wish to graduate. 

Cheating (Academic Integrity) Policy

(BOR 2.9.2; BOR 3.4.1)

The South Dakota Board of Regents has clearly defined those acts that constitute violations of academic integrity. These acts include, but are not limited to cheating and plagiarism; full definitions are found in the above referenced policies. These acts of dishonesty violate the ethical values the university works to instill in all members of the campus community. The instructor of record for each course is responsible for clarifying the academic integrity standards for that course within the course syllabus.

Academic Misconduct Process

The process for resolution of academic misconduct cases is determined by BOR policy 2:33. The Community Standards Office is responsible for the adjudication of all academic integrity cases.

Classification of Undergraduate Students

(SDSMT II:4BOR 2.6.1)

All undergraduate students will be assigned one of the following admissions categories:

  1. Regular: An admitted, enrolled student, who is pursuing a degree at the School of Mines.
  2. Special: An enrolled student who has not been admitted, and is not pursuing a degree, will be permitted to accumulate more than thirty (30) hours only on an exceptional basis. Special students do not qualify for federal student aid or institutional scholarships.

An Admissions Office review is required in order for a student to move from one admissions category to another.

Freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior classification of undergraduate students is based on accumulated credits for courses passed:

0 to 29.99 credits - Freshman
30 to 59.99 credits - Sophomore
60 to 89.99 credits - Junior
90 or more credits - Senior

A full-time undergraduate student is defined as a student who is enrolled in at least twelve (12) credit hours during an academic term. An academic term is defined as fall, spring, and summer. A student on a cooperative education assignment who is registered for CP (Co-Op) credit shall be considered to have full-time status:

0 to 5 credits per semester - Less than half-time
6 to 11 credits per semester - Half-time
12 or more credits per semester - Full-time

See the Graduate Education Policies  section of this catalog for the definition of a full-time and half-time graduate student.

Community Standards

Through its rigorous academic programs and co-curricular activities, South Dakota Mines is committed to developing informed and responsible scientists and engineers who behave ethically, value a global perspective, and accept the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.

Policies & Sanctioning

As a student at South Dakota Mines, you are responsible for abiding by policies provided by the SD Board of Regents (BOR), the university, and specific departments/areas as applicable to your situation. As such, it is important for you to be familiar with where policies are posted. The following links provide you access to policies which govern your conduct as School of Mines students.

Computer and Network Usage Guidelines and Policy


Open access through computers and wired and wireless networking is a privilege. Users must respect the rights of other users, the integrity of the system and related resources. All existing laws (federal, state and local) and university regulations and policies apply. Laws and regulations specific to computers and wired and wireless networks, as well as those laws that may apply generally to personal conduct, shall be observed. Users will be held accountable for misuse of computing, wired and wireless networking or information resources under any applicable SD Board of Regents and university policies, procedures or collective bargaining agreements. Misuse may result in loss of computing privileges or other disciplinary actions. Complaints alleging misuse of ITS resources will be directed to those responsible for taking appropriate disciplinary action.

In support of the university’s mission of teaching, research and public service, Information Technology Services (ITS) provides computing, wired and wireless networking and informational resources. These computing, networking and informational resources and services are private and are offered to the university community of students, faculty, staff and authorized visitors for university programs. This policy will be evaluated on an annual basis.

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, volunteers and authorized visitors. 

Cooperative Education Program


The Cooperative Education Program provides students with the opportunity to integrate experiences in the classroom with experiences in industry and professional domains. The Cooperative Education Program is a partnership between business, industry, governmental agencies, and South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. A student who wishes to participate in the Cooperative Education Program should contact their academic department cooperative education coordinator.

Student Eligibility

  1. Student must be employed in the area of their major.
  2. The Cooperative Education Program is open to South Dakota Mines undergraduate students who are at or above a grade point average of 2.0 and to graduate students who are at or above a grade point average of 3.0.

Academic Credit

  1. Students accepting cooperative education positions must register and pay for a Cooperative Education (CP) class during the semester they are on a cooperative education work assignment. Students may register for only one CP class for each semester of cooperative education work experience.
  2. Cooperative Education class sections will be department-specific. The academic department cooperative education coordinator will assist the student in obtaining an instructor; the instructor must have the approval of the department head to serve.
  3. Cooperative education credits may be applied toward graduation in accordance with University and department policy.
  4. Since the work performed by a cooperative education student is equivalent to the workload of a full time student, a student on a cooperative education assignment who is registered for CP credit shall be considered to have full-time status.

Evaluations - Successful completion of the cooperative education courses must include, as a minimum:

  1. The submission of a written report describing the accomplishments made during the cooperative education experience. Emphasis should be given to identifying specific examples of the relationship made between classroom and industrial experiences.
  2. An evaluation of the work performance of the student as an employee of the company made by the supervisor. This evaluation should be made using the company evaluation form or the Mines Cooperative Education Employer Evaluation Form.
  3. A student must submit the written report and employer’s evaluation prior to last day of classes at the end of the semester in which the co-op is being performed or at the end of the work period for that semester, whichever is later, to the instructor.
  4. The grade for the cooperative education course is determined by the academic department assigned instructor.


  1. Each department will appoint a department cooperative education coordinator.
  2. The department cooperative education coordinators, in conjunction with the Director of Career Services, are responsible for developing qualified cooperative education industrial or business experiences, and will
    1. Assist students in locating co-op opportunities.
    2. Maintain contacts with cooperative education employers.
    3. Conduct an on-going evaluation of the program and provide an annual report on the program.
    4. Keep abreast of national trends and models relating to cooperative education programs at other universities.

For additional information, contact the Career Center (605) 394-2667 or visit: https://www.sdsmt.edu/careercenter/.

Course Delivery Method

(AAC 2.4.3.B)

  • Face-to-Face: Instruction primarily delivered in a face-to-face setting with both instructor and student together in the same place at the same time.
  • Online Asynchronous: Web-based instruction primarily delivered online. The course is and scheduled within the semester (Fall, Spring, Summer) but does not require specific meeting days and times.
  • Online Synchronous: Web-based instruction primarily delivered online. The course is offered in real time with specific meeting days and times for the online instruction scheduled within the semester (Fall, Spring, Summer).
  • DDN Receive: Instruction received via the state’s two-way video and two-way audio system (Dakota Digital Network).
  • DDN Host/Send: Instruction transmitted over the state’s two-way video and two-way audio system (Dakota Digital Network); includes those on-campus sections in which the instructor and some of the students are physically present in the same room.
  • Blended/Hybrid: Instruction blends online and face-to-face delivery; course has reduced contact time and some, but less than 75%, of the course content is delivered online.

Course Numbering System

(BOR 2.4.2)

Tuition for courses numbered 000 through 499 will be assessed at the undergraduate rate for all students.

Pre-College Courses

001-099 Pre-college, remedial skills, special improvement (non-degree credit)

Undergraduate Courses

100-199 Freshman level
200-299 Sophomore level
300-399 Junior level
400-499 Senior level (may be dual listed with 500 level graduate course)

Tuition for courses numbered 500 through 899 will be assessed at the graduate rate for all students.

Graduate Courses

500-599: Entry level graduate (may be dual listed with a 400 level undergraduate course and may include limited enrollments by undergraduates)
600-699: Graduate level (undergraduate enrollment only by exception)
700-799: Graduate level (Graduate students only)
800-899: Doctoral and post-doctoral level (Doctoral and post-doctoral students only)

Course Overloads

(BOR 2.6.1)

An undergraduate student load is 18 credit hours or fewer. An overload is a course load in excess of 18 credit hours.

To register for an overload, students must consult with their academic advisors and department heads.  To be eligible for a course overload, students must have completed at least 30 semester hours of college credit with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7.  With advisor and department head approval, students may request up to 21 total credit hours per semester.  Overloads in excess of 21 total credit hours in a semester or requested prior to completing 30 semester credit hours are discouraged but may be requested and must be approved by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her appointed designee.

The form to request a course overload can be found at the following URL:  www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/

Course Retake Policy

(BOR 2.1.2, BOR 2.8.1)

The registration retake policy defines how many times a student may attempt a course.

The retake policies approved by the BOR are as follows:

  1. A student will be allowed a total of three attempts for undergraduate courses (course numbers of 001 to 499) for which credit is only counted toward graduation once. Students wishing to appeal for an additional attempt must complete the Application for Academic Appeal form that is available at: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/. At the undergraduate level only the LAST attempt of the course will count toward graduation and into the grade point average calculations, unless the attempt resulted in a withdrawal. It would then revert to the previously earned letter grade.
  2. A student will be allowed a total of two attempts for graduate courses (course numbers of 500 or above) for which credit is only counted toward graduation once. The student must petition the graduate dean for permission to attempt a graduate course more than two times.
  3. A student will be allowed unlimited attempts for an undergraduate or graduate course for which credit toward graduation may be received more than once (e.g., Cooperative Education, Independent Study, Thesis). All attempts will count into grade point average calculations. Individual departments/majors may limit the number of credits allowed toward graduation in certain courses. Students should check with their advisor.
  4. The Audit (AU) grade is the only grade that will not be counted as an attempt of a course. All other grades, including Withdraw “W” grade, will count as an attempt of a course.
  5. Transfer courses and non-courses (CLEP, credit by exam) will also count as an attempt of a course.
  6. The count for retakes will begin with courses in which students are enrolled fall 2003. Attempts of a course prior to fall 2003 will not be counted.

Credit Hours Definition

(SDSMT II:25:3)

The credit hour is a unit by which South Dakota School of Mines and Technology measures its course work. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology ascribes to commonly accepted higher education practices and standards regarding credit hour value determinations. Supplementing the generally accepted standards in BOR policy, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology establishes that each credit hour of laboratory work must meet a total of 45 contact hours. The combination of the direct contact hours and out-of-class requirement hours may vary between course sections and disciplines based on course content, instructional and pedagogical strategies, and other factors. 

Credit Received through Validation Methods

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

(AAC, (3))

Entering freshman students who have completed an honors course in high school and who have taken and successfully passed appropriate College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement test with a score of 3, 4, or 5 may receive course credit as it has been defined in the referenced AAC policy.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

(AAC, (2))

The South Dakota Board of Regents and its universities encourage high school student to pursue rigorous academic programs and to take advantage of opportunities available to them to earn college credit. The College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) provides an opportunity to earn college credit. Colleges and universities award college credit for satisfactory performance on the CLEP examinations. Satisfactory performance on CLEP examinations can reduce the cost of college education by reducing the number of credits a student must take to complete the degree. Students who obtain a satisfactory exam score may receive course credit as it has been defined in the referenced AAC policy. Students may not repeat an exam of the same title within three months of the initial testing date. CLEP exams may be taken to repeat F grades, however the initial F grade will be used in the grade point average calculation but the exam will complete the course requirement.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

(AAC, (4))

School of Mines recognizes the rigor of IB courses and the IB Diploma Program and encourages students to complete IB courses and exams when ready. Students who complete IB courses and exams and obtain a satisfactory exam score may receive course credit as it has been defined in the referenced AAC policy.

Credit by University Examination

(AAC; SDSMT II:25:2)

The School of Mines faculty has adopted a policy to permit college credit by university examination. Any student enrolled in the college who has studied a subject independently or who has completed equivalent college level course elsewhere for which he or she is unable to get a transcript acceptable to this institution may request a special examination to establish credit under the conditions specified below

  1. The student must consult his or her advisor and the head of the department in which the course is offered, who will conduct a preliminary survey of the work in which the student claims to be prepared and will determine whether an examination is warranted, what topics it should cover, and what credit may be expected.
  2. After determining eligibility to take an examination the candidate secures the appropriate form from the Office of the Registrar and then pays a per-subject fee at the Office of Student Accounts/Cashier’s Office.
  3. If the student successfully completes the examination, the permanent record will show “Credit by Examination” with a grade of “EX”. No entry will be made on a permanent record if the examination is failed.
  4. Credit by examination is not permitted if the student has previously completed the course for collegiate credit.

Dean’s List Designation

(BOR 2.8.1)

Undergraduate, full-time and part-time students may be designated for the Dean’s List at the end of the fall and spring terms. The Dean’s List designation is determined by the home university and is based on a student’s total course registrations for academic credit for the term from any Regental university. The Dean’s List designation does not appear on the transcript.

According to the South Dakota Board of Regents policy, undergraduate full-time students must meet the following guidelines to be awarded Dean’s List designation:

  • Students must have earned a minimum of 12 credit hours in courses numbered 100-699 during the term.
  • Students must achieve a System Term GPA of at least 3.50.
  • Students with F, I, U, RI, or RU grades are not eligible regardless of System Term GPA attained. 

Academic Recognition for Undergraduate, Part-Time Students

(BOR 2.8.1)

Undergraduate, part-time students taking fewer than 12 credits per term may be designated for academic recognition for part-time students at the end of the fall and spring terms. The academic recognition for part-time students’ designation is determined by the home university. The academic recognition for part-time students’ designation does not appear on the transcript.

To be awarded the academic recognition for part-time students’ designation, students must meet the following guidelines:

  • Students must have completed at least 12 credits hours prior to the current semester at one or more Regental institution.
  • The student must have earned at least 3 and up to 11 credit hours of 100-699 level courses during the term.
  • Students must achieve a System Term GPA of at least 3.50.
  • Students with F, I, U, RI or RU grades are not eligible regardless of System Term GPA attained.

Dropping a Course Deadline

Please see the Academic Calendar  for “Last day to drop classes” deadline information. Further course drop info can be found at Refunds of Tuition and Fees for Dropped Courses; Withdrawal Grades Policy and Deadline; and Withdrawal from the University.

Dual Use of Credit

(AAC 2.2.6.A)

Many high school students complete college-level courses while enrolled in high school. School of Mines encourages talented high school students to extend their educational background in this manner. South Dakota law provides that students in grades 10, 11 and 12 may enroll in higher education as a special student in a course or courses offered with the school district’s approval, and these courses may be applied to high school graduation requirements. See Admission  procedures for further information.

Enrollment in Courses

(BOR 2.4.2)

  1. Undergraduate Courses (001-499)
    1. All undergraduate and graduate students enrolling at Regental Universities in courses numbered 001-499 shall be admitted as undergraduate students (either-degree seeking or non-degree seeking) and registered at the undergraduate level. For all undergraduate and graduate students enrolling at Regental Universities in courses numbered 001-499, the courses shall be recorded on the transcript at the undergraduate academic level and included in the calculation of all undergraduate grade point averages.
    2. When an undergraduate course is used on a converted credit basis (transferred for one level to another) to meet graduate plan of study requirements at Regental Universities, the course shall be recorded on the transcript at the undergraduate academic level with the credit hours approved for the course and then duplicated at the graduate level through an internal transfer policy. At the undergraduate level, the credit is included in the calculation of the undergraduate institutional grade point average and the undergraduate cumulative grade point average at the full credit rate. At the graduate level, the credit is included in the calculation of the graduate institutional grade point average and the graduate cumulative grade point average at the converted credit rate (transferred for one level to another).
    3. Undergraduate courses required as prerequisites in preparation for registration in graduate courses shall be recorded on the transcript at the undergraduate level and will not be duplicated at the graduate level because the courses are not a part of the Regental graduate plan of study.
  2. Graduate Courses (500-899)
    1. All undergraduate and graduate students enrolling at Regental Universities in courses numbered 500-899 shall be admitted as graduate students (either degree seeking or non-degree seeking) and registered at the graduate level. For all undergraduate and graduate students enrolling at Regental Universities in courses numbered 500-899, the courses shall be recorded on the transcript at the graduate academic level and included in the calculation of all graduate grade point averages.
    2. When a graduate course is used on a converted (transferred for one level to another) or actual credit basis to meet undergraduate degree requirements for a Regental accelerated program, the course shall be recorded on the transcript at the graduate academic level with the credit hours approved for the course and then duplicated at the undergraduate level through an internal transfer policy. At the graduate level, the credit is included in the calculation of the graduate institutional grade point average and the graduate cumulative grade point average at the full credit rate. At the undergraduate level, the credit is included in the calculation of the undergraduate institutional grade point average and the undergraduate cumulative grade point average at the converted (transferred for one level to another) or actual credit rate.
  3. Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Courses
    Undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours may enroll in a limited number of 500 level courses. The Vice President for Academic Affairs may grant an exception for enrollment in a 600 level course. The student shall pay graduate tuition and the courses shall be recorded on a graduate transcript. These graduate courses may apply to an undergraduate degree.

Excused Absences for School Sponsored Events


The faculty recognizes school sponsored and professional interviews to be a valued component of student development, education, and post-baccalaureate placement. When these activities result in a classroom absence, the faculty members have agreed to accommodate these activities in accordance with this policy.

  1. Students who anticipate activities under this policy will notify their instructors prior to the absence.
  2. Students must be given the opportunity to make up exams missed in the course of the absence.
  3. Students will consult with their instructors regarding the make up of other graded activities that will be missed.
  4. Students in good standing with excused absences will not be penalized in course progress or evaluation; however, should excused absences be excessive, the faculty member may recommend withdrawal from the course(s) or award an incomplete grade.
  5. Students on academic probation are not allowed to participate in university-sponsored travel, including sponsored travel for design teams or sponsored participation in professional conferences.
  6. Student athlete travel eligibility for sports events is governed by NCAA policy.
  7. For students belonging to a military unit, faculty will accommodate absences resulting from short-term duty, training, or drill as appropriate under this policy. Student absences necessitated by required long-term military duty that occurs within 4 calendar weeks before a semester ends will be regulated in accordance with BOR Policy 5.7 (Refunds).

Recognized Activities

  1. Potential recognized activities are determined by the advisor of the sponsoring South Dakota Mines organization or the coach of the involved athletic team. If any questions arise or further guidance becomes necessary, the advisor or coach will consult with either the Vice President for Student Development, Athletic Director, or Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs as appropriate. As a standard process, the advisor/coach will send an e-mail announcement well in advance of the activity to verify the event, identify the participants, and notify the campus.
  2. Professional interviews are those related to graduate schools or career-related positions. If there are any questions, instructors may contact the Director of the Career Center for verification of the interviews.

Other arrangements (if allowable) for absences not covered under this policy will be decided between the faculty member and the student, and/or under the guidelines of the class syllabus of the instructor.

Steps toward resolution of disagreements will follow the established South Dakota Mines Grievance Procedure for Students Policy III:1:3

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 or Buckley Amendment

(BOR 3.3.1)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) is a United States federal law; FERPA outlines rights that apply to student access to records, the right to have records amended, and control - in some circumstances - of the disclosure of information to other individuals and institutions. The records involved are those that pertain to grades, student behavior, student work, and more. 

Annual Notification of Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects student privacy. Under FERPA, eligible students are granted certain rights with regards to educational records:

  1. Inspect and review their educational records
  2. Seek amendment to their educational records
  3. Require consent to disclose their educational records
  4. File a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office in the Department of Education for alleged violations of their rights

Disclosing Educational Records

In general, Mines will not disclose a student’s educational records without that student’s consent. However, one exception is when disclosure is made to a “Mines School Official” with a “Legitimate Educational Interest.” Mines defines these terms as:

Mines School Official: Any person employed by or otherwise affiliated with Mines who is performing institutional services. Mines School Officials include, but are not limited to, faculty, staff, consultants, a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using college employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, accrediting body representative, or collection agent), contractors, any person serving on an official committee, student workers, and volunteers. South Dakota Mines has designated National Society of Leadership and Success as an official.

Legitimate Educational Interest: Exists when it falls within the scope of an employee’s employment and/or job description, it is part of their job role to have access to that information, or it is necessary to access the information in order to perform a job task or fulfill their professional responsibility at Mines.

Students may give written consent to release their protected educational records to a third party by filling out a Consent to Release Student Information Form and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office. Students can rescind their consent at any time, which will prevent the release of that information from that point forward. However, it is important to note that under FERPA, Mines is only required to release educational records to the student and has the right to decline the release of educational records to any third party.

Directory Information

FERPA authorizes the release of Directory Information without a student’s consent. Mines has defined its Directory Information in accordance with what is allowable under FERPA, and it includes:

Student name, major and field of study, class year (FR, SO, JR, SR, Graduate), enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate; full or part time), dates of attendance, degrees conferred, awards and honors, most recent institution attended, photographs, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and height and weight of student-athletes. 

Mines assumes that students who do not request to withhold disclosure of their directory information consent to the release of this information.

Withholding Disclosure of Student Information

Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of their student information by submitting a Request to Withhold Directory Information. A student may rescind his or her request to prevent disclosure at any time. Former students may not place a new request for nondisclosure on their educational records. This hold will remain active until you make a formal request to remove the hold from your educational record.

Final Examination Policy

(SDSMT II:6:2)

The faculty, recognizing that courses and programs of instruction differ substantially, and that methodologies of instruction and evaluation remain the province of each instructor, does not seek to impose upon the constituent faculty of this institution the requirement that a final examination be mandatory.

In what follows, a written, non-comprehensive examination given at the end of the course will be called a last exam, and a written, comprehensive examination given at the end of the course will be called a final exam. Instructors who give a last exam are encouraged but not required to give it during the final examination time period. Instructors who give a final exam are required to give it during the final examination time period and in accordance with what follows. Final exams are to be given during the 5-day final examination period (called final exam week) that is scheduled by the registration officer. No special individual or departmental requests will be honored in constructing the schedule of the final exam week.

  1. For laboratory courses and courses of one credit or fewer: Final exams, if given, may be given during the last regularly scheduled class or lab period of the semester. They may also be given during final exam week as scheduled by the registration officer.
  2. For evening classes meeting after 4:30 p.m.: Final exams, if given, must be given at the last meeting of the class during final exam week.
  3. All other courses: Final exams are scheduled according to the regular class meeting time during the semester. Note that the scheduling of a final exam by the registration officer does not mandate that a final exam in a course must be given. But if a final exam is given, then it must be given at the scheduled time and may not be rescheduled. Final exams will be held in the regularly scheduled classrooms unless instructors make special arrangements in advance through the registration officer.

Although final examination periods are scheduled to be one hour and 50 minutes each, an instructor may request a longer exam period. Instructors in multi-section courses may request a “common final examination period”. These requests must be made to the registration officer. Instructors may also request additional rooms for alternate seating; such requests can be honored only if rooms are available. The registration officer will send out final exam requests one semester in advance. Once the final exam schedule has been published on the exams and testing page of the South Dakota Mines website, no additional changes will be permitted.

If a student is scheduled to take three or more exams (last or final) on any one day, then the middle exam(s) of the day shall be rescheduled for this student by the instructor(s) upon the request of the student. The student is required to make this request at least 30 days before the last day of regular classes.

Events sponsored by the academic departments, or the athletic program (other than final exams, last exams, oral comprehensive exams, and final projects) shall not be scheduled during the finals week unless approved by the senate on a case-by-case basis. Students having conflicts arising from participation in senate-approved events must see their instructors at least one week prior to the examinations week to determine an equitable alternative to taking the examination at the scheduled time.

The deadline for all course work other than last exams, final exams and final projects shall be no later than the last day of regular classes.

A student may be excused from a final exam at the discretion of the instructor.

The deadline for submission of final grades for any course is established by BOR 2.1.1.

Please consult the Academic Calendar  for the official final exam schedule.

Grade Point Average Definition

(BOR 2.8.1)

The following grade point averages are calculated each academic term (fall, spring, summer):

  1. Institutional GPA-based on credits earned at a specific Regental university. Utilized to determine if degree requirements have been met and to determine honors designation at graduation.
  2. System Term GPA-based on credits earned at any of the six Regental Universities within a given academic term (fall, spring, summer). Utilized to determine minimum progression status.
  3. Transfer GPA-based on credits earned and officially transferred from an accredited college or university outside the Regental system. When a letter grade that normally calculates into the grade point average exists for a non-academic course (e.g., credit earned via examination), it will be included in the transfer GPA.
  4. Cumulative GPA-based on all credits earned by the student (transfer credit plus system credit). Utilized to determine minimum progression status, to determine if degree requirements have been met and to determine honors designation at graduation.

Calculation of grade point averages when undergraduate courses are repeated

(BOR 2.8.1)

When a course has been repeated for credit, all attempts will be entered on the transcript but the last grade earned will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average .

Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Students

(BOR 2.4.2)

Undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours may enroll in a limited number of 500 and 600 level courses. Unless accepted to an Accelerated Master’s Program , a permission of instructor form will be required for registration. The student shall pay graduate tuition and the courses shall be recorded on a graduate transcript. These graduate courses may apply to an undergraduate degree.

Intellectual Property Statement

(BOR 4.9.1)

The South Dakota Board of Regents has developed a policy on intellectual property that sets forth the principles and procedures through which the Board will balance those interests.

South Dakota Board of Regents employees who carry out or administer such instructional, research, and service activities routinely produce works or make discoveries that may be subject to legal protection as intellectual properties.

The Board recognizes and affirms the public policy principle that creators of intellectual properties should obtain a fair return from their creations. It also recognizes and affirms the principle that the public should have a fair return on its investment in support of such creative efforts.

Minimum Graduation Standards

To be awarded a baccalaureate degree, an associate degree or certificate a student must at a minimum have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. For further information on graduation standards, see Graduation Requirements .  

Minimum Progression Standards

(BOR 2.8.1; BOR 2.1.1)

Minimum progression standards and related actions are based on the student’s cumulative grade point average and system term grade point average.

  1. Good Academic Standing: A student, who meets or exceeds the cumulative grade point average requirements as listed, is considered to be in good academic standing. The Academic Standing process is completed at the end of the Spring Term. The required GPAs are based on credit hour completion. Students who have taken more credit hours are expected to meet a higher GPA standard 
      Credit Hour Range GPA Standard
        0-44.99   1.8
        45-90+   2.0
  2. Academic Probation: If a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below the GPA standard for their designated class rank as listed above at the end of the Spring academic term, the student is placed on academic probation for the following term.
    1. While on academic probation the student must earn a system term grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard required for their class level.
    2. When a student on academic probation achieves a cumulative grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard for his/her class level, the student is returned to good academic standing.
  3. Academic Suspension: A student on academic probation who fails to maintain a term and/or cumulative grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard required by the next Academic Standing process as described above is placed on academic suspension for a minimum of two academic terms (Summer term is counted towards this time period). 
    1. A student on academic suspension will not be allowed to enroll for any coursework at any Regental university except when an appeal has been approved by the Regental university from which the student is pursuing a degree. An approved appeal granted by one Regental university will be honored by all Regental Universities.
    2. Only Academic Suspension will be entered on the student’s transcript. Academic probation will be noted in the internal academic record only.
  4. Students enrolling in the Regental system for the first time with prior credit, including internal and external transfer students and dual credit students, shall not be placed on probation by their designated home institution until they have been enrolled at a Regental university for one (1) academic term.

Name Change Policy


The Office of the Registrar accepts name changes for students who are currently enrolled and for previously enrolled students whose records are maintained in our official student information system. In order to process a legal name change within our student information system, we require the following:

  1. A certified copy of a court order or a marriage certificate;
  2. or a dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full;
  3. or current passport or other government issued proof of identification.

A name change shall be processed in person using the Change of Name Form. Contact the Office of the Registrar for more information. The Change of Name form is also used to update the student’s preferred name.

Students who are also employees of the school (including work study and student workers), must refer to HR instead of Registrar’s Office. 

Please note that while the main student information system is updated immediately, not all databases that rely on information from the student information system update changes immediately.  Some update nightly, some update weekly, some update only once per semester. Student email addresses will not update automatically. Students wishing to change their email address can reach out to the ITS Help Desk once they have filed the proper paperwork with Registrar’s Office or HR to update their email address.

Pursuing Two Degrees or Majors


Double Major

  • An undergraduate student who wishes to qualify for a double major in two science programs must complete all requirements for both majors as they are laid out in the catalog
  • This means earning a minimum of 120 credits for science majors or 130 credits for engineering majors plus all additional unique credits for the second major
  • The majors must be earned concurrently, meaning you should not apply for graduation until you have finished both majors
  • The System General Education requirements must be met once
  • A student will receive a single diploma with both majors printed under a single Bachelor of Science degree
  • Can pursue more than two majors. All above rules will apply to every major

Working on a double major can have implications for students receiving Federal Student Aid. Contact Financial Aid at 605-394-2274 for questions.

Second Degree

  • A student completes all courses and credits for each degree, as they are laid out in the catalog
  • A minimum of 30 unique credits of the second degree must not be applicable to the first degree, meaning you will complete a minimum of 150 to 160 credits depending on the two degrees chosen
  • The degrees can be earned consecutively (in different semesters) or concurrently (in the same semester)
  • Two separate diplomas are printed, one for each degree
  • The residency requirement of a minimum of 30 credit hours completed at the institution granting the degree applies to both degree programs
  • Can pursue more than two degrees. If pursuing more than two degrees, all above rules apply, and each additional degree will require completing 30 additional unique credits. 

Working on multiple undergraduate degrees can have implications for students receiving Federal Student Aid. Contact Financial Aid at 605-394-2274 for questions.

Re-admission following Withdrawal

(BOR 2.1.3)

A student may be re-admitted in the same semester after a withdrawal for non-payment if the student has paid the appropriate tuition and fees or makes payment arrangements.

A student may be re-admitted in the same semester after an administrative withdrawal provided permission has been granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the institution that administratively withdrew the student. 

Refunds of Tuition and Fees for Dropped Course(s)

(BOR 5.7)

A student receives a 100 percent refund of tuition and per credit hour fees for dropped courses within the drop/add period. The drop/add period for standard and non-standard courses offered in a semester shall be the date the first 10 percent of the term ends or the day following the first class meeting, whichever is later. No refund shall be provided for courses dropped after that time by other than administrative action or student completes a full university withdrawalWhen calculating 10 percent of the term, breaks of five or more days are not included when counting the total number of days but Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are. Any course meeting during a standard semester which meets for less time than the standard semester shall be treated as a non-standard semester course for refund purposes.

Registration Changes

All students will be assigned an academic advisor upon admission; thereafter, all course registrations and changes, other than withdrawal from the university, should be approved by the assigned advisor. Students may request advisor or major changes from the Office of the Registrar. The proper request forms can be found here: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/

  1. Courses may be added or dropped on Self-Service Banner .
  2. Self-Service Banner will list specific course information before priority registration each semester. Courses listed may be canceled for insufficient enrollment. South Dakota Mines reserves the right to change the class schedule and adjust the individual section enrollment as necessary.
  3. If a section is closed or registration into a selected section is controlled, permission to enroll must be obtained from the academic program offering the course. The student must submit a completed and signed course permission of instructor form to the Office of the Registrar.
  4. Students may not attend classes for which they are not registered unless currently waitlisted. Waitlisted students may only attend through the census (add/drop) date unless they become fully registered.
  5. Students may add courses to their schedules through drop/add period. More information on the add/drop period can be found above at: Refunds of Tuition and Fees.
  6. Students are responsible for registering properly and paying by the deadline. Students should confirm the correctness of their enrollments (including drop and add) via Self-Service Banner. Incorrect enrollments may result in academic and financial penalties.
  7. Students are responsible for grades received for all courses in which they are registered unless registration is canceled administratively because of suspension, dismissal, or termination; the section is canceled; or the student drops the course before the tuition liability begins.
  8. Students that stop attending a class without dropping the course will have a “F” grade recorded for that class.
  9. Students who want to drop a course who will fall below 12 credit hours should consult with Financial Aid to determine the financial aid implications.
  10. Following fee assessment, the students are required to pay for all additional tuition and fees at the Student Accounts/Cashier’s Office. Failure to pay may result in students being dropped from the sections that they added. It is the responsibility of the instructor in each class to check the class roll carefully during the first few weeks of each semester to be certain that all students attending a given class are listed on the class roll. Any student whose name does not appear on the class roll should not be permitted to attend that class and should be referred to the Office of the Registrar promptly for clarification of their status.

Software Licensing Policy


All software made available for use by students, faculty, researchers and staff on stand-alone or networked machines will be properly licensed. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Information Technology Services (ITS) has established a formal policy to insure that all computer software is properly licensed. This policy will be evaluated on an annual basis. This policy applies to all hardware and software systems owned or managed by South Dakota Mines.

Student Appeals Policy

(BOR 2.9.1)

A procedure is provided for situations where a student feels that an institutional or Board of Regents policy affecting terms or conditions of enrollment or academic standing has been improperly applied. Students who believe that an academic evaluation has been unfairly applied should follow this procedure.

Students who wish to discuss their situation and how this process applies should consult with the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students.

Transcript of Credits

A transcript of credits is an authentic copy of the student’s academic record from each Regental university attended. The fee is $9.00 per copy. A transcript must include all courses attempted. Transcripts are released through Parchment Ordering Service. Institutional credentials (ex. Banner log-in) are not used on the Parchment site; a Parchment account will need to be created if one has not been previously created. Upon graduation each student is entitled to one complete transcript of the credits earned without charge.

Undergraduate Grading System

(BOR 2.8.1)

Undergraduate grades will be assigned to the undergraduate academic level and to all courses and sections with course numbers ranging from 001 to 499. Plus and minus grades are not used.

A Exceptional
4.00 grade points per semester hour

B Above Average
3.00 grade points per semester hour

C Average
2.00 grade points per semester hour

D Lowest Passing Grade
1.00 grade points per semester hour

F Failure
0.00 grade points per semester hour

S Satisfactory
Does not calculate into any GPA

U Unsatisfactory
Does not calculate into any GPA

RI Incomplete (Remedial)
Does not calculate into any GPA

RS Satisfactory (Remedial)
Does not calculate into any GPA

RU Unsatisfactory (Remedial)
Does not calculate into any GPA

W Withdrawal
For undergraduate students, does not calculate into any GPA, no credit granted prior to fall 2015.

For graduate students, does not calculate into any GPA.

For undergraduate students effective fall 2015, the first six (6) dropped courses after the last day to drop and receive 100% refund. WD grades do not calculate into any GPA.

For undergraduate students effective fall 2015 doing a full university withdrawal. Does not calculate into any GPA.

For undergraduate students effective fall 2015, any individually dropped course after six (6) maximum WD grades assigned or dropped after the final day for semester withdrawals. 0.00 grade points per semester hour.

AU Audit
Does not calculate into any GPA

I Incomplete
Does not calculate into any GPA

IP In Progress
Does not calculate into any GPA

EX Credit by Exam
Does not calculate into any GPA

CR Credit
Does not calculate into any GPA

LR Lab grade linked to recitation Grade
O credit course

NR Grade not Reported by Instructor
Does not calculate into any GPA

NG No grade
O credit tracking course

TR Note for NSE/MEDT
Does not calculate into the GPA

Academic Amnesty*
Does not calculate in any GPA, no credit given. *Letter grade followed by an asterisk on transcript indicates Academic Amnesty granted.

Audited Courses and Registrations for No Credit

(BOR 2.1.1BOR 2.8.1SDSMT II:4:2)

A student at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology may choose to audit a course or take course for no credit but with a grade.

  1. The request to audit a course or to enroll with no credit must be made prior to the census day of the term (during the drop/add period) by written petition to the Registrar. The course is charged at the same rate as a graded course.
  2. The outside preparation of auditors is entirely voluntary. Their participation in classroom discussions and examinations and the minimum attendance requirements are subject to arrangements with the instructor of the course being audited. Failure to meet these arrangements will be cause for changing the grade in the course from “AU” to “W”.
  3. An auditor is allowed neither credit nor a grade for the course even if the auditor satisfactory passes the final examination of the course.
  4. An audited course cannot count toward the definition of a full-time load for purposes of securing financial aid nor for establishing eligibility to compete in intercollegiate contests.
  5. An audited course may not be used to qualify for a reduced tuition rate, but will be counted toward any upper limits on the number of credit hours a student may carry, and will be counted in determining requirements for paying campus fees and guarantee deposits.
  6. An audit (AU) grade is the only grade that will not count as a retake.
  7. A course taken for no credit but with a grade will be treated the same as an audited course except that the student will be expected to prepare and participate in the course to the same extent as all other students. The grade awarded will not be counted in the student’s grade point average.

The form to request an audit can be found at the following URL: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/

Undergraduate Pass-Fail Option

(BOR 2.1.1BOR 2.8.1)

  1. The student shall notify the Office of the Registrar in writing of his or her request that the course be graded on a pass or fail basis. A student will have the option during the drop and add period of each semester to change from pass or fail to traditional grading, or vice versa.
  2. The instructor will report the student’s grade based on the college’s regular grading system. If a grade of “D” or better is recorded, the student will receive a “Satisfactory,” a grade of “U” will be recorded as a “Fail,” and the “U” grade will count in calculating credits attempted.
  3. Credits earned under this option may be used toward a student’s graduation requirements, if appropriate and applicable, but only if a grade of “S” is recorded. A passing grade will be recorded as “S” and will not be used in the calculation of the student’s GPA. A course taken on a pass or fail basis will not be converted, after a grade has been recorded, to a traditional grade for the purpose of improving a GPA.

The form to request the pass/fail option can be found at the following URL: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/

Non-GPA and Incomplete Grades

(BOR 2.8.1)

In order to request an incomplete grade, the student and instructor must fill out an incomplete grade contract. The form can be found here: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/. An incomplete (I) grade may be granted only when all of the following conditions apply:

  1. A student has encountered extenuating circumstances that do not permit him/her to complete the course.
  2. The student must be earning a passing grade at the time the incomplete is necessitated. Anticipated course failure is not a justification for an incomplete.
  3. The student does not have to repeat the course to meet the requirements.
  4. The instructor must agree to grant an incomplete grade.
  5. The instructor and student must agree on a plan to complete the coursework as evidenced by the Incomplete Grade Contract.
  6. The coursework must be completed within one semester; extensions may be granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost.
  7. If the student completes the course within the specified time, the incomplete grade contract should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. The grades that may be assigned are A, B, C, D, F, S, RS, RU, or U. 
  8. If the student does not complete the course within the specified time, the grade assigned will be F (Failure) or U (Unsatisfactory) or RU (Remedial Unsatisfactory).

An in progress (IP) grade may be granted only when all of the following conditions apply:

  1. The requirements for the course (for every student enrolled in the course) extend beyond the current term.
  2. The extension beyond the current term must be defined before the class begins.
  3. The instructor must request permission to award IP grades for a course from their department head, and then approval must be obtained from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  4. A definite date for completion of the course must be established in the course syllabus.

An audit (AU) grade may be granted only when the student has elected the AU option on or prior to the census date of the term using the form found here: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/.

A credit (CR) grade may be granted only for non course credit that is not related to an examination or to equating transfer grades to the BOR grading system. This grade is not used for any Regental university courses.

An examination for credit (EX) grade may be granted only for non course credit validation obtained through a validation process. This grade is not used for any Regental university course.

A grade of NG will be used only with those course sections that are designated as Tracking/Program Sustaining (Q).

Remedial grades (RI, RS, RU) may be granted only for courses numbered 001 to 099.

S Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade may be granted only when the entire course requires the S/U grade or the student has elected the S/U option on or prior to census date of the term using the form found here: https://www.sdsmt.edu/Academics/Registrar/Forms/

Withdrawal Grades Policy and Deadline

(BOR 2.1.1BOR 2.8.1)

Effective fall 2015, undergraduate students are allowed a maximum of six (6) dropped courses with a grade of “WD,” if that action occurs anytime between the day after the census day for that course and the day that corresponds with the completion of 70 percent of the class days for that course. If an undergraduate student withdraws from the system during that time, a maximum of six (6) dropped courses are eligible to receive a grade of “WD.” Unless it is a corequisite laboratory course section, any following dropped courses will receive a grade of “WFL.” If an undergraduate student withdraws from the university system from the day after census day through 70 percent of the class meeting days in the term, a grade of “WW” will be issued for all courses. The “WW” grade is not factored into the GPA and these courses are not included in the maximum of 6 undergraduate dropped courses with a grade of “WD.”

Graduate students who drop a course shall receive a grade of “W” if that action occurs anytime between the day after the census day for that course and the day that corresponds with the completion of 70 percent of the class days for that course. Likewise, a graduate student who withdraws from the system during that time period also shall receive grades of “WW” for all the courses in which he/she is registered.

For standard classes, the last day to receive a grade of “W” is determined by calculating 70 percent of the class meeting days in the term, counting from the first day of classes in the term and rounding up if the calculation produces a fractional value greater than or equal to 0.5.

For any non-standard course, the last day to receive a grade of “W” is based on the number of class meeting days for the course, using the method described above.

A notation of the date of withdrawal will be included on the student’s transcript if he/she withdraws from the system.

Withdrawal from the University

(BOR 2.8.1; BOR 5.7)

The effective date used for students withdrawing from the university is the date that the withdrawal process is initiated in the Office of the Registrar. This notice must be given by the student using the appropriate forms. A withdrawal will not be finalized until a student has returned the completed form to the Office of the Registrar and it has been processed. In the instance the withdrawal form is not submitted as instructed above, the university in its discretion will determine the effective date of the withdrawal. Dates for withdrawing from the university will be proportionally adjusted for summer terms of instruction. Complete withdrawal from the university from the day after census day through 70 percent of the class meeting days in the term results in the assignment of “WW” grades unless the professor-in-charge has previously assigned a final grade. A withdrawal from the university must be initiated in the Office of the Registrar. A withdrawal from the university will be processed only when all courses at all Regental Universities are being dropped by a student.

Students who withdraw after the add/drop period for the enrollment period for which they are assessed charges may be entitled to a refund of tuition, fees, and other institutional charges calculated through 60 percent of the enrollment period. The refund shall be determined by computing the percentage of an enrollment period remaining after the date of withdrawal times the tuition, fees, and other institutional charges originally assessed the student.