Feb 16, 2025
2019-2020 SDSM&T Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CEE 475/475L/575/575L Groundwater/LabCredits: (2-1) 3
Geohydrologic principles, applications, and design considerations concerning groundwater occurrence, flow, and quality. Groundwater and surface-water relations; theory of aquifer tests; flow nets; head distribution by graphical, analytical, and digital models; groundwater contamination. Specific topics include chemistry of groundwater, exploration programs, aquifer tests, computer solutions, and field trips to areas of geo-hydrologic interest. An engineering design report with analysis and results is required.
Prerequisites: GEOL 201 or GEOE 221/221L and MATH 125 Corequisites: CEE 475L/575L Notes: Students enrolled in CEE 575/575L will be held to a higher standard. This course is cross listed with GEOE 475/475L/575/575L .