Contact Information
Dr. Laurie Anderson
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
Mineral Industries 303
(605) 394-2461
E-mail: Laurie.Anderson@sdsmt.edu
Geology Faculty
Professors L. Anderson, Duke, Price and Uzunlar; Associate Professor Masterlark; Assistant Professors Belanger, Oner and Pagnac; Professors Emeritus Fox, Lisenbee, Martin, Paterson, and Redden; Adjunct Faculty Bapst, Benton and McCormick; and Haslem Post-doctoral Fellow Boyd.
Geological Engineering Faculty
Professors Davis and Stetler; Associate Professor Sawyer; Assistant Professors Katzenstein and Sawyer; Professor Emeritus Rahn; Adjunct Faculty M. Anderson, Iles, Long, Roggenthen, and Stamm.
PhD in Geology and Geological Engineering
Students must elect to pursue either a Geology Specialization or a Geological Engineering Specialization, each of which has different background requirements and program requirements. The available coursework and current faculty expertise support the following areas of concentration.
- Energy and Resources
- Geocomputing
- Groundwater and Environment
- Paleontology
- Petrology and Mineral Resources
- Structural Geology/Tectonics
- Underground Science and Engineering (SURF)
* Students concentrating in Paleontology at the Master’s level may apply for the separate M.S. in Paleontology.
Background Requirements for Ph.D.
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required of all applicants. The TOEFL exam is required for students whose native language is not English. Many factors contribute to the success of an application, including the goals statement, coursework, grades, test scores, work experience, recommendations, and availability of a faculty member in the student’s anticipated research area. In general we prefer to see a GPA of 3.0 or above and GRE scores greater than the 50th percentile. Different specializations have different background coursework requirements, as described below.
Background Expected for Geology Specialization (including Paleontology)
Incoming students are expected to have substantial preparation in general science, math, and geological sciences; successful applicants will ideally have completed the subjects listed below. The student’s graduate committee may require that deficiencies important to the student’s area of interest be remedied by taking additional undergraduate courses that will not count towards the graduate degree requirements.
- Calculus I and II
- Statistics
- General Chemistry I and II
- General Physics I and II, or General Biology I and II
- Stratigraphy/Sedimentation
- Petrology
- Structural Geology
- Field Geology
Background Expected for Geological Engineering Specialization
Incoming students are expected to have substantial preparation in science, math, geological sciences, and engineering; successful applicants will ideally have completed most of the subjects listed below. The student’s graduate committee may require that deficiencies important to the student’s area of interest be remedied by taking additional traditional undergraduate courses that will not count towards the graduate degree credit requirements.
- Calculus I, II, and III
- Differential Equations
- General Chemistry I and II
- General Physics I and II
- Stratigraphy/Sedimentation
- Petrology
- Structural Geology
- Statics
- Mechanics of Materials
- Fluid Mechanics, or Rock Mechanics
PhD Degree Requirements
Admission to the Ph.D. program in Geology and Geological Engineering is normally limited to qualified students who have already earned an M.S. degree in geology, geological engineering, paleontology, or a related field. Students holding an M.S. but with extensive undergraduate deficiencies may be placed into the M.S. program in Geology and Geological Engineering until these deficiencies are remedied. Students with a B.S. degree who apply to the Ph.D. program will be admitted to the M.S. program in Geology and Geological Engineering until they have accumulated sufficient course credits for an M.S. degree. Students placed into the M.S. under one of these two circumstances will be admitted to the Ph.D. program after passing the qualifying exam.
Qualifying Exam
All Ph.D. students are expected to take a qualifying exam to demonstrate their potential for independent research. Students entering with a B.S. degree will take the examination in the semester immediately following the completion of 24 credits of graduate coursework. Students placed in the M.S. due to undergraduate deficiencies must take the qualifying exam in the semester immediately following completion of all deficiencies. Students entering with a completed M.S. degree will take the qualifying exam before the end of their second semester in residence.
To pass the qualifying exam, the student must 1) complete all undergraduate deficiency requirements, 2) submit a valid Ph.D. Program of Study to the department head; 3) complete a literature search and paper on a topic related to the student’s area of concentration; and 4) present and defend the paper in an oral examination by the department faculty. The paper should reflect a sustained effort and culminate in an analysis of potentially significant research problems. The identified problems need not match the eventual dissertation topic.