Contact Information
Dr. Andre G. Petukhov
Department of Physics
Electrical Engineering/Physics 235A
(605) 394-2364
E-mail: Andre.Petukhov@sdsmt.edu
Professors Corey, Detwiler, Petukhov, Sobolev, Wells; Associate Professors Schnee and Strieder, Assistant Professors Bai, Corwin, French, Oszwaldowski, and Reichenbacher; Instructor Dowding; Emeriti Professors Foygel and Helsdon.
The mission of physics graduate program is to provide students with quality graduate instruction and research experience suitable in many physics-related careers. Required coursework in physics along with elective courses selected from other disciplines such as mathematics, computer science, chemistry and engineering support a number of career options in industry, education and applied research. Graduates with this degree may also pursue a Ph.D. degree in physics. Areas of research concentration include astrophysics, condensed matter, materials science, nuclear and elementary particle physics, and theoretical physics.
Available Options for Degrees
A (thesis) and B (non-thesis). Option A requires a thesis based on research, while Option B substitutes additional coursework and a research paper/project for the thesis requirement. The non-thesis options are deemed appropriate for students who do not require Ph.D. preparation in physics in order to be successful in their careers. Examples of career tracks not requiring study in physics beyond the master’s level include medical physics, science education at the k-12 and “community college” level as well as various industrial applications. While deemed less appropriate for students advancing to doctoral study in physics, the non-thesis options are a viable and even preferred course of study for some students.
Students should expect that completion of an M.S. degree take two academic years of full-time study.