Contact Information
Dr. Stuart D. Kellogg
Industrial Engineering
IER 301
(605) 394-1271
Professors Kellogg and Kerk; Ervin Pietz Professor Karlin; Associate Professors Matejcik and Jensen; Assistant Professor Piper; and Instructor Jensen.
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Managment
Industrial engineering and engineering management is concerned with the design, improvement, installation, and management of integrated systems of people, material, and equipment. Graduates of the program employ a set of skills that includes mathematical modeling, probability and statistics, computer science, human factors, interpersonal skills, project management, and an ability to manage and administer large technical engineering and research projects. Thus, industrial engineering and engineering management may be thought of as applied problem solving, from inception to implementation and management.
Program Objectives
The objectives of the industrial engineering and engineering management program are to produce graduates who:
- Contribute to the success of companies through effective problem solving.
- Design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment, and environments.
- Effectively manage business operations and project management teams.
- Continue to develop the personal and professional skills necessary to adapt to our changing societal, technological, and global environments.
Graduates of the industrial engineering and engineering management program are expected to meet the challenges for contemporary professional practice, be able to adapt and solve the increasingly complex problems faced by industry, embrace innovation through intellectual diversity and creative problem solving, and continue to develop holistically as a learner to become leaders of tomorrow.
Program Outcomes
At the time of graduation students completing the BS IEEM degree will be able to demonstrate the following outcomes.
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering;
- An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
- An ability design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability;
- An ability to function on a multidisciplinary team;
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;
- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
- An ability to communicate effectively;
- The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and social context
The curriculum is designed to give students a thorough knowledge in the fundamental principles within the four primary stems of industrial engineering: operations research and optimization, manufacturing, statistical processes, and human engineering. In addition, through a variety of coursework and experiential learning activities, students develop an understanding of the engineering relationships with the management tasks of planning, leading, organizing, and controlling as well as the integrative nature of management systems.
Throughout the program of studies, special emphasis is placed upon application of systems principles in engineering design to assure proper integration of the individual (or individuals), procedures, materials, and equipment. Service learning components, laboratories, case work, simulations, and the capstone design sequence reinforce the managerial aspects of systems integration, systems design, and the global, societal, and business context for product and process improvement.
Students may participate in the Cooperative Education Internship Program. The co-op credits may count as approved engineering elective courses.
The bachelor of science program in industrial engineering and engineering management is accredited for industrial engineering by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201; Phone +1.410.347.7700.