Jan 28, 2025  
2012-2013 SDSM&T Academic Catalog 
2012-2013 SDSM&T Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2012-2013 SDSM&T Academic Catalog


Welcome to the 2012-2013 Online Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T)

The academic catalog is the official source of information for the university’s undergraduate and graduate academic programs, courses, policies, degree requirements, and procedures. In the past the catalog has been available only in print format or online in a PDF format.  This year SDSM&T implemented an online catalog managment system (acalogTM) to make the catalog more “user friendly” for students and faculty.  This new system provides many functions/features we hope you will find helpful.  They include:

  • ARCHIVED CATALOGS - In the future a drop-down list of catalogs - archived and current - will be available by just clcking on the catalog you want from the drop-down list at the top right of the page and then on “GO”.  Since the 2012-2013 catalog is our first online catalog, archived copies are not yet available. 
  • EXPORT - An export function which allows us to export the course descriptions, program information, or the entire catalog for you upon request. 
  • HELP - A help function which is available by clicking on the “Help” icon located in the top right-hand corner of each page. 
  • MOBILE ACCESS - Mobile access to SDSM&T’s online catalog through your smartphone or iPhone is available through the following URL:  m.ecatalog.sdsmt.edu 
  • PERSONALIZED CATALOG - A portfolio function - My Portfolio - which allows you to browse the online catalog and store courses and program information you find interesting or useful for later retrievable. 
  • PRINTING - A print-friendly view on each section of the catalog which allows you to print pages which interest you by clicking on the “Print Friendly Page” icon located in the top right-hand corner of each page. 
  • NAVIGATION and LINKS - In addition to the navigation pane at the left of the screen, many pages have navigation menus at the top of the page.  Just click on the topic and the link will take you directly to that topic on the page.  Use the arrow on the right of the screen to move back to the top of the page. 
  • Navigation in Course Descriptions -The course titles are “show/hide” links to the complete course descriptions.  Click on the course title once to “show” the complete course description.  Click on the course title again to “hide” the complete course description.
  • SEARCH - An advanced search function which allows you to search for course information by course prefix, course number, exact match, or descriptive phrases.

Should you have questions or concerns about this catalog, please contact the Registrar and Academic Services (RAS) office at 605-394-2400.

Reservation of Rights

The information contained in this catalog is the most accurate available at the time of publication, but changes may become effective before the next catalog is published. It is ultimately the student‘s responsibility to stay abreast of current regulations, curricula, and the status of specific programs being offered. Further, please note that the university reserves the right to change graduation or other academic requirements where changes are necessary to comply with Board of Regents policy directives, to meet external demands relating to accountability or accreditation standards, to reflect curriculum changes or substitutions, or to implement evolving discipline requirements in major fields.